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CBC记者Kathleen Harris报道说,明年将有64000名移民配偶通过申请团聚来到加拿大。麦卡伦表示,这不仅对等待团圆的移民有好处,也对所有加拿大人有好处。因为和家人在一起的移民比远离家人的移民更有活力和创造力。
One application package for all spousal sponsorship
applicants:All applicants, both in Canada and overseas, can now use the same application package and checklists. This application package will be available on December 15, 2016, at 12:00 p.m. ET.从12月15日开始,所有申请人,包括加拿大和海外的申请人都可以公用一份申请。
New basic guide:Applicants can prepare their application using a shorter, more basic guide.
Personalized document checklist:Applicants can use one of four checklists (based on who is being sponsored) to find out which forms and documents they need to submit.
Simplified relationship questionnaire:The new questionnaire is easier to understand and has fewer questions.新政说明更简单,只有75页,调查问卷和表格大大简化(以上三条)
Medical exam:Applicants no longer need to submit medical exams up front with an application. Instructions will be sent to the applicant when a medical exam is needed.新政不用提前体检,会发通知体检。
Police certificates:Applicants need to provide only the police certificates from:
We’ll request other police certificates only if needed.
the country where they currently live; and
the country where they have spent most of their adult life since the age of 18 (if different from the country where they live).新政规定,加拿大以外无犯罪记录证明在满足以下情况下才需提供:
The person being sponsored can access more information through their online account:They can
get instructions to send us other documents we need;
see real-time information about their application status;
receive messages from us in their online account.新政还可以从线上获取更多信息和通知,让申请更方便快捷
One application package for all spousal sponsorship
applicants:All applicants, both in Canada and overseas, can now use the same application package and checklists. This application package will be available on December 15, 2016, at 12:00 p.m. ET.从12月15日开始,所有申请人,包括加拿大和海外的申请人都可以公用一份申请。
New basic guide:Applicants can prepare their application using a shorter, more basic guide.
Personalized document checklist:Applicants can use one of four checklists (based on who is being sponsored) to find out which forms and documents they need to submit.
Simplified relationship questionnaire:The new questionnaire is easier to understand and has fewer questions.新政说明更简单,只有75页,调查问卷和表格大大简化(以上三条)
Medical exam:Applicants no longer need to submit medical exams up front with an application. Instructions will be sent to the applicant when a medical exam is needed.新政不用提前体检,会发通知体检。
Police certificates:Applicants need to provide only the police certificates from:
We’ll request other police certificates only if needed.
the country where they currently live; and
the country where they have spent most of their adult life since the age of 18 (if different from the country where they live).新政规定,加拿大以外无犯罪记录证明在满足以下情况下才需提供:
The person being sponsored can access more information through their online account:They can
get instructions to send us other documents we need;
see real-time information about their application status;
receive messages from us in their online account.新政还可以从线上获取更多信息和通知,让申请更方便快捷
部分内容来源:吴薇 加广中文、www.rcinet.ca、微信ID:radio-canada